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A publication dedicated to the fine, difficult art and profession of delivering keynotes and other speeches from stages. Mostly SFW.
Coherence Is Overrated (in public speaking)
Coherence Is Overrated (in public speaking)
We’ve all been there. A speaker, possibly even a famous one, steps up on stage. They start out interestingly, but after a while they seem…
Alf Rehn
Sep 3, 2020
8 Emotionally Intelligent Ways To Conquer the Fear of Public Speaking
8 Emotionally Intelligent Ways To Conquer the Fear of Public Speaking
Are you struggling with your fear of public speaking? Are you looking for ways to develop yourself as a speaker? Sure, you might not be a…
Kevin Guaranda
Aug 14, 2020
Sex Talk and Foul Language — On Speakers Working Blue
Sex Talk and Foul Language — On Speakers Working Blue
In standup comedy, the expression “working blue” refers to using language and imagery (and sometimes, if rarely, props) that can offend a…
Alf Rehn
Apr 7, 2020
On Background Research, and Why Speakers Should Limit It
On Background Research, and Why Speakers Should Limit It
How much should a (keynote) speaker research the client and the audience before giving a speech? This might sound like an innocuous…
Alf Rehn
Jan 6, 2020
You Will Be Misunderstood — On Public Speaking, What Audiences Hear, and Making Your Speech Less…
You Will Be Misunderstood — On Public Speaking, What Audiences Hear, and Making Your Speech Less…
At it’s heart, public speaking is communication, and speakers are at heart communicators. Great speakers, unsurprisingly, tend to and have…
Alf Rehn
Aug 8, 2016
Public Speaking, Rehearsals, and Memorization — Or How I Became a Global Keynote Speaker Without…
Public Speaking, Rehearsals, and Memorization — Or How I Became a Global Keynote Speaker Without…
If there’s one single thing basically ever guide to public speaking is in agreement on, it is the importance of practice. This agreement is…
Alf Rehn
Apr 27, 2016
The 20-Minute Rule for Great Public Speaking — On Attention Spans and Keeping Focus
The 20-Minute Rule for Great Public Speaking — On Attention Spans and Keeping Focus
There’s an old quote, one attributed to the American businessman Phil Crosby, that goes:
Alf Rehn
Apr 11, 2016
The Keynote Speaker’s Pre-Flight Checklist
The Keynote Speaker’s Pre-Flight Checklist
Pilots go through a methodical checklist before each flight — it’s the same one whether it’s their first flight or hundredth. Keynote…
Eddie Rice
Mar 31, 2016
Every Great Speaker Is a Fantastic Pauser — On Using Pauses and Silences in Public Speaking
Every Great Speaker Is a Fantastic Pauser — On Using Pauses and Silences in Public Speaking
Alf Rehn
Mar 29, 2016
The Stage Is Always Bigger Than You
The Stage Is Always Bigger Than You
— The Keynote Speaker’s Guide to Gestures and Movements in Public Speaking
Alf Rehn
Mar 20, 2016
On Humor in Keynoting
On Humor in Keynoting
Alf Rehn
Feb 19, 2016
The 20/60/20 Rule — Or Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Frowns in the Audience
The 20/60/20 Rule — Or Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Frowns in the Audience
Regardless of whether you’re an experienced speaker or a newbie, the thing you’re most likely to fear is the hostile face in the audience…
Alf Rehn
Jan 4, 2016
How To Not Die On Stage
How To Not Die On Stage
This is not a text on how to become a great speaker.
Alf Rehn
Dec 30, 2015
Three Reasons Keynotes Can Matter (Despite Evidence to the Contrary)
Three Reasons Keynotes Can Matter (Despite Evidence to the Contrary)
There’s a question I get all the time: “Hey, I really like your speeches and stuff, but do all these keynotes and business books really…
Alf Rehn
Dec 26, 2015
Speaker’s Sickness, or Why Keynote Speakers Are Often Quite Healthy
Speaker’s Sickness, or Why Keynote Speakers Are Often Quite Healthy
A lot of speakers are in exceptional physical shape. This might not come as a terrible surprise, as they are people whose business it is to…
Alf Rehn
Dec 20, 2015
About The Art of Keynoting
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