Bloggers: How To Make Money On Amazon Prime Day (2022)

Try these small moves that can make a big difference

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Laptop and other tech — Bloggers: How To Make Money On Amazon Prime Day (2022)
Image by Author via Canva

You can make a lot of money as a blogger on Amazon Prime Day.

In this article, I’ll share a few small moves bloggers can make to maximize their earning potential during one of the biggest online shopping events of the year.

Here are three ways to make more money on Prime Day.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I may earn a small commission.

What Is Amazon Prime Day?

Amazon Prime Day is a global shopping event exclusively for Prime members.

For two days, Prime members can shop exclusive deals and savings on millions of items across every category, including fashion, electronics, home, backyard, toys, and more.

Plus, get free shipping on millions of items with Prime.

This year (2022) Prime Day is July 12–13th.

Prime Day is the perfect opportunity to shop for holiday gifts early, save on back-to-school supplies, or treat yourself to a new wardrobe or home update. No matter what you’re shopping for, there’s sure to be a great deal on Amazon Prime Day.

To give you an idea of the deals you can get, this is an affiliate link that shows you the Prime Deals for this year (2022).

Prime day is basically Christmas in July.

That’s why it’s such an incredible opportunity for us bloggers.

Why Should Bloggers Even Care About Amazon Prime Day?

As a blogger, you can earn a commission on any sales that you generate through Amazon, so there is the potential to earn a significant amount of money during Prime Day.

Especially, if you are able to drive a lot of traffic to the Amazon website.

According to Similar Web, here are the results of Prime Day last year:

Shoppers came ready to open up their wallets on Prime Day. Revenue jumped nearly 600% compared to the daily average in the 20 days leading up to the two-day event, an increase that was almost double that of product views (+353%) and unit sales (+365%).

Furthermore, as Prime Day is now an annual event, it provides a regular opportunity for bloggers to boost their earnings.

Since there is usually a “summertime slump” in niche website earnings during the summer months, bloggers can leverage Prime Day to level out their income.

3 Ways To Make More Money on Amazon Prime Day As a Blogger

There are a few ways to make more money as a blogger during Amazon Prime week.

First things first, if you are not an amazon associate, then sign up. You sign up for free and get commissions anytime someone purchases something on Amazon through your link.

Becoming an Amazon affiliate is the important first step.

Here are three other ways to boost your earnings.

1) B.T. Barnum Blast

B.T. Barnum was a famous showman of the 19th century who was renowned for his skills in promotion and marketing.

He was always looking for new ways to get people to come to see his shows, and he was highly successful in his efforts. Today, we can learn a lot from Barnum’s approach to marketing, especially when it comes to Prime Day.

By sharing Prime Day with their audience, bloggers can earn a commission on any sales that they generate.

The more people that you can reach, the more chance you have of making a sale.

But how do you go about reaching as many people as possible? The answer is simple: by doing a B.T. Barnum Blast. A B.T. Barnum Blast is all about getting the word out on social media, your blog, and anywhere else you write.

By posting a banner at the top of your blog post, you can let people know that you’re participating in Prime Day and encourage them to click through to the Amazon website.

If you have an email list, send an email to your subscribers before and then during Prime Sales Week.

If you don’t yet have an email list, you can start with free options like:

  • Mailerlite
  • Mailchimp
  • Sendinblue

2) Hire a Robot

Another out-of-the-box way to maximize your earnings on Prime Day is by hiring a robot.

While this option is not free, it does come with some good stats:

Live chat increases conversions on your website by 45%. Website engagement gets a 3x boost when a chatbot is present. Consumers are 63% more likely to return to a website that has web chat.

Chatbots can help you automatically engage with your audience, provide them with personalized recommendations, and answer any questions they have about your products.

Best of all, they can help you close sales while you sleep.

There are a lot of chatbots available, but here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Chatbot
  • MobileMonkey
  • Engati
  • SmartLoop

3) A Million Minions (My Favorite Method)

The Million Minions method means publishing more high-quality content on low-competition but high search volume keywords all year round.

Every blog post is an opportunity to insert your Amazon Associate affiliate link. The more content you publish, the more sales “minions” working around the clock for you.

For example, let’s say you publish a blog post on the keyword “best XYZ product”.

Someone reads your blog post and clicks on your Amazon Associate link to buy the product. You just made a commission!

To best prepare for Amazon Prime Day:

  • Write reviews of high-ticket products
  • Write informational content about brands and products

Because you’re publishing high-quality content, there’s a good chance that people will share your blog post, which means even more people will see it and click on your affiliate link.

Note: Don’t insert affiliate links in all of your blog posts.

I typically aim for around 80%-100% of my best-performing articles. Look at your analytics to see which articles drive the most traffic and place your affiliate links in most of those posts.

Make sure to read and follow all of Amazon’s affiliate rules and guidelines.

Final Thoughts

The best time to start thinking about Prime Day is today. The best time to start planning for the next Prime Day is right now.

It’s not about anxiety. It’s about anticipation.

Don’t rush yourself into a frenzy. Just do the next right thing on your website. The next Prime Day will be here before you know it.

And, by then, you’ll be ready.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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