How I Make $5,000 Each Month Writing About Overlooked Topics

Overlooked topics are blogging gold mines

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Man with binoculars — How I Make $5,000 Each Month Writing About Overlooked Topics
Image by Author via Canva

I make $5,000 or more per month writing about overlooked topics.

In this article, I’m going to break down my complete process so that you can try it for yourself.

I’ve done my best to not leave any stone unturned when it comes to:

  • The definition of overlooked topics
  • Why overlooked topics are cash cows for bloggers
  • My tricks for finding overlooked topics
  • How I write articles on overlooked topics that rank on Google

What Are Overlooked Topics?

Overlooked topics in blogging are usually small, insignificant, or simple topics that other bloggers overlook.

However, these topics can be very important to a blog’s audience.

For example, answers to simple questions about everyday activities or items. Similarly, a blog post about a simple task that everyone assumes everyone knows how to do could be very helpful to someone who is new to the topic.

Here are some examples of overlooked topics:

  • How to clean a lightbulb
  • When Did 1080dp Come Out?
  • Why did OPEC increase oil prices in 1973 apex?
  • What companies are in the consumer services field?
  • What does Minato's kunai say?

Notice that most of these overlooked topics are phrased as questions.

By writing about these overlooked topics, you can provide valuable information to your readers, build a loyal following, and make a lot of money.

Why Are Overlooked Topics So Profitable?

It all has to do with Low Hanging Fruit. When you’re starting a blog, it can be tough going at first.

You’re competing against established sites with years of content, thousands of social media followers, and strong search engine optimization.

It can feel like you’re invisible.

That’s where writing about overlooked topics comes in handy. These are topics that your competition hasn’t written about yet (or if they have, they haven’t done a very good job of it).

Overlooked topics are blogging cash cows because they can drive hundreds or thousands of page views right under the nose of your competition.

Let’s say you’re in the pet industry and you want to start a blog.

You could write about “How to Choose the Best Dog Food” or “10 Reasons Why Dogs are the Best Pets.” But there are already dozens of articles on those topics.

So instead, you write about “How Long Can a Dog Go Without a Walk?”

This could be an overlooked topic that can still attract a lot of traffic because it’s based on a popular keyword (dogs).

And since it’s less competitive, it’s easier to rank in Google.

As a result, you get more traffic without having to put in as much effort. Because these topics are lower-hanging fruit, they can help you speed through the early, slow-growth phase of your website.

You can leverage this traffic to earn display ad income, affiliate marketing sales, sell information products, and build your other platforms such as YouTube or TikTok.

All of this comes back to the importance of low-hanging fruit.

People are always searching for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. If you can be the one to provide that solution, you’ll be rewarded with attention and traffic.

How I Make $5,000 With Overlooked Topics

I make money with overlooked topics by finding low-hanging fruit ideas and creating content about them on my self-hosted niche websites and on other platforms such as YouTube.

I have several broadly focused websites that allow me to write about many different but related topics.

As soon as I’m eligible, I connect display ad networks to these websites, such as Google Adsense and the Ezoic Network.

I also include affiliate links in some of my articles (About 20–30%).

When visitors click through those links and purchase products, I can get a small commission.

Combined, I earn $5,000 or more from overlooked topics.

How I Find Overlooked Topics With Random Phrases

One of my new favorite ways to find overlooked topics is to type random phrases into Google autocomplete or keyword tools.

Using autocomplete is free, easy, and one of the best ways to find overlooked topics.

That’s because many of the questions you’ll find in Google autocomplete are new questions that have never been searched before and therefore have little to no competition.

Yet, there can sometimes have hundreds or thousands of searches per month.

Because they are so new, most keyword tools don’t even recognize them. This is the epitome of an overlooked topic.

I sometimes call these “invisible keywords” because no one knows that they exist. They can be real gold mines for bloggers.

Here is how you find overlooked topics with Google autocomplete:

  1. You open up a Google search browser. I recommend an incognito browser so that you don’t get results related to your history of searches.
  2. Once you have the browser open, you simply start typing in words related to your niche into the search bar.
  3. Google will suggest different search queries based on a hidden database of real searches from real users.
  4. Scroll through those suggested topics and check the first-page search results for those topics to see if anyone has written an article directly about that exact same topic.
  5. If that exact same topic does not show up in a title, you’ve probably found an overlooked article idea.

I suggest you write it down and consider creating a blog post.

When I say “random word or phrase,” I mean that you can start typing in simple words or phrases that don’t necessarily have anything to do with your niche.

However, they may still pull up interesting ideas that you would never have thought about searching for.

The easiest way to explain this concept is with an example.

Let’s say I have a website in the broad health and fitness niche. This is a very competitive niche that I don’t recommend for beginner bloggers. However, if you can find overlooked topics in this niche, you can make a lot of money.

So, in the example, I go to Google autocomplete and type in the word “what”

I simply want to see what Google auto-suggests for that word.

Most of the suggestions will not be related to health and fitness. But, if there are any related to working out, diet, exercise — or anything else even peripherally related to health and fitness — I will check the competition for that topic.

When I find an overlooked topic, I will probably write an article.

You can repeat this process with any other random word or phrase:

  • Why
  • How
  • Best way to
  • Why do
  • Why do
  • Can I
  • Will
  • Would

Something I also like to do is to read other popular blogs, even in unrelated niches, to see the types of phrases in their titles.

Especially websites that follow a similar strategy.

For example,

This is a website owned by the millionaire blogger who created the Passive Income Geek blogging program. I credit most of my blogging success to following the methods in this program.

A quick browse through the article titles on Godownsize gave me these random phrases:

  • How reliable are
  • How long do
  • Most common problems with
  • Why Are

In addition to Google autocomplete, you can also plug these random words and phrases into free and paid keyword tools.

How I Choose Overlooked Topics

Finding overlooked topics is different than choosing overlooked topics to write about on your website or platform.

Selecting the best overlooked topics can be a bit tricky.

Here are a few methods I use to choose overlooked topics:

  1. Low competition scores and keyword tools — I use tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner and KWFinder to help me find keywords with low competition scores. This helps me identify potential topics that aren’t being talked about too much already.
  2. Search volume estimates and keyword tools — In addition to looking at competition scores, I also check search volume estimates. This helps me gauge how popular a potential topic might be and whether people are actually searching for it online.
  3. Common sense — Sometimes the best way to choose overlooked topics is simply using your common sense. If you know your niche, you probably get a gut feeling about what might be a good topic.
  4. Checking out the competition — I always manually look to see if anyone else wrote an entire article about this specific topic. If they have, I want to know the length of their article, the depth of their article, the user experience, and see if I can add anything of value to beat any existing articles.

How I Write Articles For Overlooked Topics

First, I come up with a title for my article using the topic as my title or in my title. Next, I answer the question immediately in the article.

Then, I cover other related questions related to the main topic.

I use Google autocomplete, keyword tools, and People Also Ask to come up with these other subheadings.

This process helps me to flesh out an article and ensure that I’m covering all my bases.

“Ensure you’re writing content the way that you’d explain it to someone over the phone.” — Carolyn Lyden, SEO Expert at Search Hermit

I almost always create a video or embed someone else’s YouTube video that covers the exact topic, answers the exact question, or solves the exact problem.

Almost all of my articles range between 1,200–2,000 words of relevant content.

This method has worked well for me to rank high on Google.


Here is a quick summary of takeaways from this article:

  • Overlooked topics are blogger goldmines because they often have very low competition and can still pull thousands of visitors per month.
  • Find overlooked topics by typing random phrases into Google or keyword tools.
  • Collect random phrases by looking at the titles of popular blog posts.
  • Write medium to long blog posts with the keyword in the title and first paragraph. Give the answer or solution right at the beginning and then cover the topic from all angles for the rest of the blog post.
  • Create or embed a YouTube video on the overlooked topic.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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