How I Get ChatGPT and Jasper AI to Use My Keywords

Quick tips for SEO-infused content

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Cyborg woman with orange hair — Image by Author via Jasper Art and Canva
Image and Content by Author via Jasper and Canva

One of the biggest advantages of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into your content creation is that it can help optimize your SEO strategy.

And that’s a game-changer.

AI-driven technologies like Jasper and ChatGPT can make content more keyword-rich, helping you achieve better rankings for desired search terms.

But how do you get these AI chatbots to use keywords?

Here are some tips that work for me.

1. Create a Clear Set of Guidelines

Start with clarity.

Before instructing either Jasper or ChatGPT, you need to have a clear set of goals and guidelines in place.

This includes the particular keyword phrases you wish to include in your articles, as well as any other important points such as tone, length, and style of writing.

Include these in your prompts:

  • Keywords (obviously)
  • Time frame
  • Tone of voice
  • Purpose

The better your input, the better your output.

2. Choose Your Keywords Carefully

Follow up with careful keyword choice.

When selecting your desired keywords, be sure they are both relevant and specific.

This will help ensure that the content generated meets your goals while also staying on topic with the subject matter. You don’t want the AI writer to drift into fluffy nonsense.

I find it best to use related keywords.

For example:

  • Jasper AI Chat
  • ChatGPT
  • Keyword-rich articles
  • SEO content
  • How to get AI chatbots to use keywords

Also, I find that repeating the main keyword(s) a few times helps prime the AI to use that word in the content it generates for me.

3. Provide Context

Keep going by giving examples.

In addition to providing Jasper or ChatGPT with a list of preferred words/phrases, it’s also beneficial to offer real-life examples.

You want to give them an understanding of the context.

One way to do this is to write an example paragraph, bullet point, or story. Give your brand details, names, and other info you want the AI to use as part of their temporary “knowledge base.”

Whatever makes sense for your content.

Again, the better your instructions — called prompts — the better content your chatbot will generate.

Note: Most of these Ai Writers can only look back to about 4,000 previous characters for context. So, cram in as much context as you can into your instructions.

4. Be Flexible & Adjust As Needed

Don’t forget to stretch your AI yoga muscles.

Once you have instructed Jasper or ChatGPT on how to incorporate keywords into their content-generation process, be sure to provide them with room for flexibility.

Meaning it’s okay if they don’t use every single one.

Additionally, be sure to adjust your instructions to get better results. Often, small tweaks to your input give you majorly better output.

Here are some prompts for ChatGPT and Jasper that work especially well for me:

  • Refer to these specific keywords throughout the content: (insert keywords)
  • Come up with creative ways to use this keyword
  • Use this keyword several times
  • Use this keyword in an analogy about…
  • Use this keyword in every paragraph
  • Use this keyword several times
  • Write a blog post about (insert keyword or topic)
  • Create a list of subheadings using this keyword
  • Create an article outline for a blog post about (insert keyword)

Here’s a Real Example of Getting AI to Use My Keywords

I asked the Jasper Chatbot to use two specific keywords.

Here are my exact instructions:

Incorporate the keywords “Big Red Boat” and “Dinosaur Shoes” into a long email about how to help kids learn creativity.

And this is what Jasper came up with:

There are many ways to use creativity when teaching kids — one fun way is by involving them in a story-telling activity. For example, imagine if they were to travel in a big red boat to discover a secret island. On the island, they could explore and find dinosaur shoes that give them super powers! This exercise is not only fun, but encourages kids to use their imaginations and practice their creativity.

Ok, that’s pretty cool.

Final Thought

With Jasper Commands (Not an affiliate link) and ChatGPT commands, you only get one content generation per “command” or set of instructions.

And it might not get your content exactly right the first time.

That’s okay.

The good news is that you can simply ask the AI to rerun the command. Both chat-based writers will do this for you.

If I’m not happy, I simply tweak my instructions and rerun the command until I get something I like. Then I review and edit it before I publish the content to my portfolio of websites.

AI like ChatGPT can do a lot, but it can’t do everything.

At least not yet 😉.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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