I Tried Doing Keyword Research With AI Chatbots (Jasper & ChatGPT)

This is what happened

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Cartoon Blogger with glasses sitting at desk — I Tried Doing Keyword Research With AI Chatbots (Jasper & ChatGPT)
Image by Author via Jasper and Canva

I eagerly read a bunch of blog posts on how to do keyword research with ChatGPT and Jasper AI.

It sounded really cool — but does it work?

To find out, I tested these two powerful ai chatbots.

I’ll include pictures and videos of my tests (along with the results) because this could be a major game-changer in blogging.

This is what happened.

Step 1: Use ChatGPT and Jasper Chat to Get Popular Sub-Niches

First, I prompted ChatGPT and Jasper (not an affiliate link) to generate a list of popular sub-niches.

This list will be ranked by popularity, so it will give you a good indication of what is trending in your industry or niche.

To do this, I simply asked each chatbot for the most popular topics related to my example niche — Pickle Ball.

I used the same prompt each time: Give me a list of popular sub-niches for Pickleball.

They both were able to provide me with a good list pretty quickly.

Here is what happened when I asked Jasper Chat:

Here are some popular sub-niches for Pickleball:

Multigenerational Pickleball: This involves playing the game with family and friends of different ages.

Competitive Pickleball: These tournaments bring together players from all over the country to compete for prizes.

Recreational Pickleball: Perfect for casual play with friends and family in your backyard or at a local park.

Instructional Pickleball: Learning how to play the game from a professional coach can help you improve your skills and technique.

Social Media-Based Pickleball: Finding other Pickleball enthusiasts using popular social media platforms.

This is what ChatGPT gave me:

Competitive Pickleball

Recreational Pickleball

Outdoor Pickleball

Indoor Pickleball

Doubles Pickleball

Singles Pickleball

Pickleball Tournaments

Pickleball for Seniors

Pickleball for Kids

Pickleball Accessories and Equipment

Pickleball Techniques and Skills

Pickleball Strategy and Gameplay

Pickleball Rules and Regulations

Pickleball Courts and Facilities

Pickleball as a Fitness Sport

Pickleball for Physical Therapy

Pickleball for Disability and Inclusion

Pickleball Culture and Community

Pickleball History and Evolution

Pickleball and Pickleball-Inspired Travel and Adventure.

Step 2: Generate Low Competition Keywords

Now that we have some of the most popular sub-niches from step one, we can use them to generate low-competition keywords.

This means finding keywords that are relevant but not overly competitive when it comes to SEO rankings.

Again, I will use natural language processing (NLP) powered chatbots ChatGPT and Jasper Chat to come up with these keywords, rank them by popularity, and present them in table form for easy reference.

First, I must select one of the sub-niches.

Let’s go with “Pickleball Accessories and Equipment.” That will be the broad topic but we need to drill down to a specific keyword or keyword phrase.

The prompt I used this time was: You are an SEO expert. Suggest some low-competition keywords for the topic “Pickleball Accessories and Equipment.” Rank them by popularity. Present the information to me in a table.

Now, the results.

Jasper Chat:

Gif screen recording of Jasper Chat Keyword Research
Gif of Jasper Chat Keyword Research (made by author) — Credit

In the screen recording, you see me ask some follow-up questions to Jasper to get better outputs.


Screenshot of ChatGPT keyword research
Screenshot of ChatGPT Keyword Research (made by the author) — Credit

Since this isn’t a perfect test (too many variables to control), I went forward with the general topic of lightweight pickleball paddles.

Here is a list of the keywords we will check:

  1. What are the benefits of using a lightweight Pickleball paddle?
  2. What is the ideal weight for a lightweight Pickleball paddle?
  3. What are some of the best lightweight Pickleball paddles available in the market?
  4. How does a lightweight Pickleball paddle impact your game?
  5. What are the differences between lightweight and heavy Pickleball paddles?
  6. What are the factors to consider when choosing a lightweight Pickleball paddle?
  7. How do you determine the weight of a Pickleball paddle?
  8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a lightweight Pickleball paddle?
  9. What makes a Pickleball paddle lightweight?
  10. How does a lightweight Pickleball paddle affect power and control in your game?
  11. Do lightweight pickleball racquets require more power to use?
  12. Are lightweight pickleball racquets better for beginners?
  13. What is the difference between a regular and lightweight pickleball racquet?

Step 3: Use Professional Paid Keyword Tools

Once we have our low-competition keyword ideas from step two, the next step is running them through professional paid keyword tools.

I want to get an even better understanding of how competitive they are when it comes to SEO rankings.

This involves checking out metrics related to search volume, cost-per-click (CPC), difficulty level scores, etc., depending on which tool you choose.

For convenience, I pasted all the keywords into Ahrefs.

Specifically, I took these steps:

  • Copied the keywords
  • Opened Ahrefs
  • Opened the Keyword Explorer tool
  • Pasted the keywords into the text box
  • Hit Enter

And I got this message: We couldn’t find data for 13 keywords in our database. Most likely those are unpopular keywords with low search volume.

That is actually not a terrible response.

In my experience, sometimes the best keywords don’t show up in keyword tools.

Step 4: Manually Check Keywords On Google

The final step of this keyword research process is manually checking your keywords on Google itself.

I always do this step.

By typing each one into Google’s search bar and seeing what results pop up (and how competitive they are), it allows us to gain an even clearer picture of how our keywords will fare.

After typing all 13 suggested keywords into Google, here are the results.

  • I would go after the majority (60–70%) of the suggested keywords
  • One thing I noticed is that several of the keywords were pretty similar so I would probably combine them in an article.
  • I don’t completely trust chatbots or tools for keyword research
  • However, I would use them to come up with fresh ideas that I would then manually validate

These particular keywords looked pretty good to me:

  • What are the benefits of using a lightweight Pickleball paddle?
  • How does a lightweight Pickleball paddle impact your game?
  • What are the differences between lightweight and heavy Pickleball paddles?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a lightweight Pickleball paddle?
  • What makes a Pickleball paddle lightweight?
  • How does a lightweight Pickleball paddle affect power and control in your game?
  • Are lightweight pickleball racquets better for beginners?


Finally, let’s go over a short and quick list of takeaways:

  • ChatGPT and JasperChat (and other similar tools) are probably best for keyword brainstorming — one step in keyword/topic research.
  • Generate popular sub-niches first followed by low-competition keywords based on these sub-niches.
  • Use professional paid keyword tools after generating meaningful lists of relevant keywords.
  • Finish off by manually checking each one on Google itself in order to see if the keywords are truly a good fit.

By the way, here is a video of another perspective of keyword research with ChatGPT (he goes over a few different strategies):

YouTube video by Osbourne Digital Marketing

One Last Thing

At the end of the day, using ChatGPT and Jasper can be an incredibly effective way of doing keyword research that will get you ahead of your competitors when it comes time for SEO rankings.

Google loves fresh, original content, after all.

Just remember: don’t trust ai tools blindly. That’s how they become our ai overlords.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

Endlessly curious| proud word nerd| Don’t miss my next article — sign up to my Medium email list: https://bit.ly/3yy18Bc