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Mental Health

The Cake
The Cake
Sugar, Spice and everything non-normative
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To Every Woman Out There, ‘Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself’

By Madhavi Jadhav for YouthkiAwaaz:

I recently read an article on women and their rising stress levels. It stated that depression could be one of the reasons for the rising number of suicides in the world…

We Trust Children To Know What Gender They Are — Until They Go Against The Norm

By Diane Ehrensaft for The Conversation:

I will start by asking two questions: at what age did you know your gender, and do you think someone else had to tell you what…

What Fewer Women In STEM Means For Their Mental Health

Jennifer Drake for The Conversation:

“You’re in engineering!?! Wow, you must be super-smart…”

It has been over 10 years since I was a first-year engineering undergraduate student; but…

10 Tweets That Tell Us How Enormously Wrong Things Are, Even Though We’re In 2016!

By Lipi Mehta for Youth Ki Awaaz:

When Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau was asked why it was important to him that his cabinet was ‘gender balanced’, he smiled and…

Goths Just Wanna Have Fun: Why There’s A Problem With The ‘Depressed’ Stereotype

By Catherine Spooner for The Conversation

Goths are more likely to be depressed, we’re told in a recent study that was published in The Lancet Psychiatry. You’d be…