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Violence Against Women

The Cake
The Cake
Sugar, Spice and everything non-normative
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Groped In Broad Daylight, I Realised No Time Is Safe For Women

Submitted anonymously in YouthkiAwaaz:

Something horrible happened today. I don’t know if you are going to judge me after reading this or are going to derive pleasure out of my traumatic…

How We’re All Losing Out To This ‘Faceless Enemy’ A.K.A. Patriarchy

By Aditya Gupta for YouthkiAwaaz:

How do you challenge or overthrow something that does not really exist? I don’t mean to say that patriarchy doesn’t really exist, but there is no King…

To Stop Violence Against Women, We Need To Get Men To Help Change Social Norms

By Lauri Heise for The Conversation:

A series of research projects is to take place in countries including Afghanistan, Palestine and South Africa to address our…