For Whom the Bell Never Doesn’t Toll

Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2015
Photo by Roxanna Salceda

“Nizar, you good for narration?”

A Skype message from John.

Are you kidding me, John!?

Whether I’m conscious or not, this is what I wake up to most days. And because John’s in France, he messages us around 3:12 AM my time here in the states. And also because I link Skype to my mobile (a genius move on my part, I know), my phone blurts out a notification whenever I get a message from him. So, I suppose it’s more apt to say that whether I’m conscious or not, this is what my sleep is broken by most days. But because it’s still only now 3:13 AM and I’m still in bed, I can do nothing but express my aggravation at being woken by shaking my fist at nothing and no one in particular before falling back into my frail slumber.

I really should just mute his Skype notifications.

To be honest though, it’s not John’s fault…most weeks. Most weeks, Thursday rolls around and we’re still one segment short for the podcast, which means I likely can’t write and record my narration track until Saturday. The hope is always to give our sound editor, Michael, at least a day to mix and get the podcast ready to release on Monday. Even so, it’ll put a satisfying smile on John’s face to know that some weeks I’m just lazy.

But this week was different. Segments were in early and next week’s episode was ready to add narration to on Monday, (surprisingly) even before the current week’s episode had released.


Only, lest we forget, Life is a four-letter word and it will always find a way to derail your plans.

Three days later- I finally have time and the energy to get to narration.

Okay, first, I’m going to need some coffee in me.
And now…the routine begins.

  • Listen to the raw audio of a couple of the week’s segments
  • Send out some emails to potential future guests
  • Make myself a grilled pb&j
  • “Focus!” Finish listening to the segments
  • Write up some (hopefully) fun introductions to each segment
  • Chase my pb&j down with some coffee
  • Prep voice to record
  • Sigh at how awful my voice sounds
  • Record stellar audio
  • Send off my work to John and Michael
  • Reward myself with more coffee

Take that, Life!

Listen to this week’s episode, Caesar, Trades, and Love:

Written by Nizar Babul of Comatose.

Comatose is a weekly series of amusing anecdotes, insightful commentary, and pithy stories. Every week three contributors are featured in short segments. The segments, though often unrelated, are tied together using music and narration to set the scene. Relax and enjoy the ride while listening to topics as varied as love, birthdays, and reciprocity.

You can find Comatose on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, and Stitcher.

Am I Awake? ← Previous — Next → Here We Go Again



Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious

A short weekly collection of pithy stories and insightful commentary. See more at