New State, New Life

Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2015
Photo by A♥ on Flickr.

Here’s to nearly four weeks in a new city.

It’s a big city.

The 11-hour drive here was no sweat, actually. Although, credit should go to where it is deserved. I had a highly-rated travelling companion. She never napped, took up very little room, and randomly sung Bollywood song lyrics to help me counter any fatigue I may have been feeling at the time. Putting aside the fact I had to fit everything I warranted worthy of life in a new city with me into my four-door Subaru, I’d say it was a good road trip. No, getting to Texas wasn’t difficult, but getting around Texas… now that’s a different story.

It’s a damn big city.

Good news was Comatose kept going, which meant segments had to keep coming in, which also meant my long list of unread messages from John pressing me to write and record narration was getting longer by the day. It’s been three weeks, but I think I’ve gotten into the rhythm of normal life again and finding a quiet place to record is no longer a mission.

This week’s Comatose was a good one. We had on an old friend from our university days, Jihae. She studied abroad at our campus, and her segment touches on that idea of going someplace new. Anyone who’s lived abroad knows how difficult fitting in is, or rather, “finding your place” and calling it home.

Now, I’ve lived abroad in other countries and, of course, simply moving states in your home country isn’t that big a deal, but it’s true that trying to “find your place” takes time and there’s always an emotional toll. Jihae points out in her segment that perhaps “home” is any place where you can be yourself and be accepted.

Well, right now I suppose that’s true for me.

And for that I’m grateful.

It’s still a damn big city, though.

Listen to this week’s episode, Sports, Singapore, and Summits:

Written by Nizar Babul of Comatose.

Comatose is a weekly series of amusing anecdotes, insightful commentary, and pithy stories. Every week three contributors are featured in short segments. The segments, though often unrelated, are tied together using music and narration to set the scene. Relax and enjoy the ride while listening to topics as varied as love, birthdays, and reciprocity.

You can find Comatose on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, and Stitcher.

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Comatose Podcast
The Coffeelicious

A short weekly collection of pithy stories and insightful commentary. See more at