Design Management: Org Structure

Taught by Karen McGrane, written by Tony Chu at the MFA interaction Design Program at the School of Visual Arts. Part of The Common Class Project.

Class 2: Organizational Structures and its Consequences

Peter Thiel’s CS183:Class 1

CS183: Startup—The Challenge of the Future

by Blake Masters

Purpose and Preamble

We might describe our world as having retail sanity, but wholesale madness. Details are well understood; the big picture…

Entrepreneurial Journalism: Optimism

Taught by Jeff Jarvis and Jeremy Caplan, and written by Sonia Saraiya at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. Part of The Common Class Project.

Class 3: Optimism

The Common Class Project
The Common Class Project
A space for exceptional University content given to the world by students.
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