The Golden Yak

(This post continues from the Royal Yak, and concludes the series A Taxonomy of Yaks.)

When we improve how we work, we make tasks faster. We make progress smoother. This is magnified when we improve how all our team members work, or our whole community. Now and then, though…

REdeploy (for the first time)

The inaugural REdeployConf wrapped up yesterday (as I write this). I’m already feeling withdrawal from…

If You Care About It, Automate It with Atomist

In previous posts, I’ve written about better project creation and evolution, and Atomist out of the box features like our Slack lifecycle support. Today I’m excited to share Atomist’s bigger vision around Development Automation.

Just Let Us Code It: Putting Developers at the Center of Software Delivery

At this year’s GitHub Universe — the first after Microsoft announced its intention to acquire GitHub — the message is that the future of software will have “developers at the center.” At Atomist, we…

The Composition
The Composition
Thoughts and opinions by developers, for developers.
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