Bees buyable in $HONEY

The Crobees
The Crobees


Among all the suggestions from the DAO and our holders, one retain the most our attention: the possibility to buy Crobees NFT with the $HONEY token generated through the staking.

As project managers we think it is a good way to reward our early adopters who trust this project since a long time and have a good amount of $HONEY.

Let us explain you how it will works !


When you buy a Crobees NFT, you can then stake them in our website to generate our token, the $HONEY. The staking is the fact to lock your asset in a contract and be rewarded for it. This token allows investors to interact with our ecosystem, it is the heart of our project and as it is not tradable for the moment, the staking is the only way to have this token.

Among the things you can interact with, there is the Beeshop, our marketplace in our website where you can buy items. For example, the lottery tickets are one of the items of the Beeshop and many others will be added in the future.


We will mint on the main contract a number of bees for this process. In a contract we will add these bees to implement the possibility to buy Crobees NFTs in $HONEY. To do so, we will add our NFTs as a new item in the Beeshop so you will buy them like you can buy a lottery ticket. And that’s it, as simple as that !

The process is fully randomise, so you will see as a new item a grey Crobees with a “?” mark and you will not know which Crobees NFT you’ll have.


As all our release we will give you all the informations about this process, what is the burn mechanism behind this, the team’s part…

The price for the bees will be: 100 $HONEY / Crobees
Supply available to buy in $HONEY: 400 Crobees

For the repartition of the $HONEY collected, it will be simple: 25% burnt & 75% distributed for the marketing and the team.

For an estimation of the length of sell, and without taking account the launch of the $HONEY, we think to sell out the 400 bees in an average time of 40 days. We think that it will definitely be faster with the launch of the $HONEY.

So for a random person who minted 3 Crobees NFT (most of the cases), it takes 34 days of staking to mint a free Crobees NFT.


We will not give you an exact date but it will come before the 20th of July for sure, we can just advice you to stay tuned, follow the announcement and bee ready !

Coming next: A medium about the launch of the $HONEY token.

Bzz Bzz 🐝

Your Crobees Team.

Enter into the hive

MINT a Crobees:

