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the decipher
decipher ™ aggregates and brings to you the best content in technology and entertainment. Deciphering it all from confusing jargon to everyday conversations.
Note from the editor

decipher ™ aggregates and brings to you the best content in technology, money, lifestyle, and entertainment. Deciphering it all from confusing jargon to everyday conversations. Our original content from our editorial staff breaks down the understanding and process of the things we're most passionate about. From gadgets, web development, smart money management, health beauty, and fitness.

Go to the profile of The Decipher
The Decipher
A tech journalism company that brings you open pieces on new tech and it's affect on culture told in a way that almost anyone can understand.
Go to the profile of Joy Lansdown
Joy Lansdown
Truly blessed with a wonderful husband; 3 adult children, two grandchildren and 1 great-grand. Called to fulfil my destiny and purpose and to serve His Kingdom.
Go to the profile of Julian Zehr
Julian Zehr
Inactive on Medium. www.julianzehr.com