Go to The Deep Listen
The Deep Listen
The Deep Listen is a Loup publication. We write and collect stories that move us, celebrate our network, and share our creative process. Guest posts and contributors welcome!
Note from the editor

The Deep Listen is a collective effort by Loup staff, partners, StoryEngine interview participants, and contributors from our broader networks. We are always looking for great ideas and content — reach us at info@loup.design. Loup Editorial Team content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license; posts by other contributors may be published under different different distribution licenses.

Go to the profile of Loup Editorial Team
Loup Editorial Team
Loup is a human-centered design and innovation consultancy dedicated to helping organizations listen to and learn from the people they serve.
Go to the profile of Christine Prefontaine
Christine Prefontaine
Multidisciplinary design strategist working across sectors on projects that advance social and economic development. Entrepreneur. Guerilla social scientist.
Go to the profile of Chris Lawrence
Chris Lawrence
Co-founder and Director of Strategy at Loup Innovation & Design. Podcaster.
Go to the profile of Daniella Valerio
Go to the profile of Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson
Obsessed with better teamwork and healthy organizations