Go to The Digital Condition
The Digital Condition
A multilayered dialogue and anntoation project
Note from the editor

A multilayered dialogue and anntoation project

Go to the profile of Culture, Politics and Global Justice
Culture, Politics and Global Justice
Culture, Politics and Global Justice is a new research cluster based @CamEdFac at @Cambridge_Uni.
Go to the profile of Mark Carrigan
Mark Carrigan
Digital Sociologist at University of Cambridge. Researching Social Media and (Higher) Education. Notebook: www.markcarrigan.net
Go to the profile of Milan Stürmer
Milan Stürmer
Researcher @MedialeTeilhabe, Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM)@Leuphana_Uni looking at debt and technology for his PhD. Personal acc.
Go to the profile of Naomi Barnes
Naomi Barnes
Education communications impact analyst. Small data witch. Digital/network rhetoric. Internet researcher.