Top Stories published by The Digital Nomad in April of 2008

Voice-based IVR Solutions Help Increase VAS Revenues of Telecom Operators: MoMo Mumbai


The Mumbai chapter of Mobile Monday organised a meet-up on 28th April 2008 in the city where the participants discussed issues related with…

Twitter Updates

  • 09:48 @shweta hav fun! #
  • 09:49 have cold and sorethroat… why now? why me? #
  • 11:11 @Brajeshwar congrats, NSFW got LifeHacker’d :) #
  • 11:16 @baxiabhishek sardi? hmmm.. #
  • 11:16 hmmm.. had d-cold.. now i…

Twitter Updates

  • 10:14 Said-ul-Ajab != Said-ul-Azaaaab #
  • 11:30 Kinda sick of ‘dumb internet day’ fomerly known of ‘april fools day’. Please make your jokes remotely humorous guys. #
  • 11:58 Hmmm… ppl wishing me ‘happy april fool’s day’ now.. retards. #

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

  • 11:01 @aalaap <- Sweet.. the icing on the cake — or in this instance — the salt in the bottle, was all thanks to the … #
  • 11:02 @bombayaddict <- Hahahaha… awesome! #
  • 14:05 Getting some emails sorted and sent… #

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

  • 00:51 @unitechy now u r really addicted to twitter, arent u? #
  • 10:17 TGIF!! W00t! #
  • 10:41 @kapilb nothing to write home abt in there.. just lots of empty folders.. #
  • 14:04 Making myself a hCard… just for kicks :-) #

Twitter Updates

  • 09:43 Morning Tweople! #
  • 09:48 @preshit :-) #
  • 09:48 @shahpriya :-) #
  • 09:51 Tweople.. is “The Big Bang Theory” really that good? 4 people have recommended it to me already.. should i watch? #

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

  • 08:23 @bombayaddict corporate ubsurdities… arent they? #
  • 08:23 Morning people! #
  • 08:24 @shweta i’d be tired after doing ALL that… lol #
  • 08:31 TRAI quarterly reports are badly made.. Why the heck would they use pie-charts to…

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

  • 11:05 @amitgupta oh ok! I was at Camp 22 :-) #
  • 11:08 These days, every tweet I make, I get a follower… most of em bots :-\ #
  • 11:18 @bombayaddict ooo… ur now a star! :-p #
  • 11:18 @normaltusker why? #

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

  • 00:19 @harshadsharma of course i do.. wht if i ever have to buy the meds int he future? i’ll jus search for em in spam :p #
  • 00:20 Goes to read that blogpost from the Gmail guys on archiving.. #
  • 00:21 @aDeSe ‘he who must not be named’? #

Twitter Updates

  • 10:24 Morning Tweople! #
  • 10:24 @preshit go off to sleep.. this was not your time to wake up, i guess. #
  • 12:05 Surprisingly, the internet speed is good in the office today! #
  • 17:19 Quite a bit of work done today.. I feel the…

Twitter Updates

  • 10:38 Delhi Tip: Batti = traffic signal #
  • 10:53 @dybydx really? LOL #
  • 10:54 @Brajeshwar Yeah.. different from Bombay:-D #
  • 11:06 @bombayaddict Happy birthday!!! All the very best for the transition.. am sure u’ll do just…

Twitter Updates

Twitter Updates

  • 08:32 Morning Tweople! #
  • 08:32 @bombayaddict erm… slap incident? did i miss something? #
  • 08:34 Wat is thy planz fer da weekend? #
  • 08:35 @shweta spoken like a true Web developer :-) #

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These were the top 32 stories published by The Digital Nomad in April of 2008. You can also dive into daily archives for April of 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

The Digital Nomad
…everything that interests me
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