Top Stories published by The Digital Nomad in 2009

Bing is Cool, Now Wake Me When True Semantic Search Happens

The blogosphere has been ablaze with talk of Microsoft’s new search engine, Bing. Personally, I liked the search engine and the results it threw up. I believe that the only reason your website analytics data shows you so many…

Indian Express: New ways to lure audiences to theatres


by Natasha Sahgal

Gone are the days when movie posters and commercials were all that was needed to entice the viewer to watch a film. Today you can listen to Kareena Kapoor’s…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Digital Nomad in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

The Digital Nomad
…everything that interests me
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