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The Sales Plan
The Sales Plan
Decided to sell products & document the entire experiment, so we can help people Starting-up WIN!
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Day 24: Slight Pivot. Adding Drop shipping as well. Why?

A Quick recap: In our previous post, I talked about the Essentials of an eCommerce store, where we explored the essential features to setup an eCommerce site.

Day 22: Essentials for an eCommerce Store

In the last topic here, we spoke about setting up the store, right from setting up the store from the main admin panel and seller panel.

Day 22, Started my day with a mile long run. They say ‘Healthy body healthy mind. A bit…

Day 20: Setting up the eCommerce Store

In the last topic here, we did a detailed comparison of 3 good eCommerce platforms & nailed down the one we are going to use for setting up the store.

In this post Am gonna explain the entire process of setting up the store, Naming the…

Day 18: Comparison of eCommerce platforms

In the last topic here, we analysed the Pro’s & Con’s of selling on established…

Day 11: Fixing the Pricing strategy

In the last topic HERE, we explored in detail on how to get the products ready and related information. Today Am planning to fix the price point for the products I have got shipped from China.

In eCommerce, deriving the right…

Day 14: Choosing the best eCommerce platform to sell.

In the last topic HERE, we did fix a pricing strategy for the products we have decided to sell. In this article lets choose a good & convenient eCommerce platform to sell.

Day 9: Strategy on getting the products ready.

In our previous post HERE , we worked on fixing a Selling strategy. And we also pinned down an USP for the products. Now since we have decided on the category of products to sell & also the Sales methodology, next lets look at how to get the…