Skeleton Screen Loading in Ember.js

Skeleton screen loading (also known as placeholder loading) is a technique that enhances the perception of loading in your application. Typically, the loading state of an application is indicated by some kind of loading spinner or progress bar. Unfortunately, this…

Building a Keyboard Manager Service in Ember.JS

As part of a large refactor we recently completed for one of our clients, Fitbot, we needed to handle keyboard shortcuts. For example, Command+Enter should trigger a ‘save’ action, Shift+Enter should add a workout item, Escape should close the…

Faking GraphQL with ember-cli-mirage

I’m in the process of replacing ember-data and REST with ember-redux and GraphQL. Everything is clicking wonderfully.

After searching with no luck for something to mock out GraphQL requests for my tests, it occurred to me that I can use…

Testing flexi breakpoints

Flexi is an ember addon that enables you to factor out your device-specific layouts into individual template files.

An example structure for a posts route might be:

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