Here’s Why You Should Shut Out Unrealistic Expectations

So you can finally live a freelancing life that works for you and makes you happy.

Francesca Angeles
The Everyday Freelancer
4 min readApr 6, 2023


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

I know you’re here because you’re ambitious and you were born ready to conquer the world.

But listen up: it’s high time to shut out those unrealistic expectations you’ve been carrying around like a backpack full of rocks.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

You know what happens when you set the bar too high? You end up feeling like a failure for not achieving the impossible.

It’s like trying to jump to the moon — you might get close, but you’ll never actually touch down.

So, take a deep breath for now and adjust your expectations to something more realistic and achievable. Because the only way to reach the moon is one small step at a time.

Unrealistic expectations open the gates to burnout.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Setting unattainable goals can lead to burnout, anxiety, and an endless cycle of self-doubt. Instead, try to:

  • Lower your expectations a little bit.
  • Focus on taking small steps toward your goals.
  • Set your mind on progress rather than perfection.

Overnight success is a scam.

In the freelance industry, we have a common misconception that success happens overnight.

Hate to break it to you but that just doesn’t happen. At all.

Some people believe that freelancing is a quick and easy way to make money, but the truth is that it takes so much time, effort, and patience to build a profitable and rewarding career.

If we ask the most successful freelancers, they’d say things that could overwhelm newbies. From countless hours of hard work, intense dedication to their craft, and perseverance to get to where they are. It’s a lot and they’ve earned it.

The problem with the overnight success myth is that it sets unrealistic expectations. It leads to:

  • pent up frustration
  • disappointment
  • a lot of “I think I should give up??” moments.

So here’s a quick note for freelancers: don’t let the idea of overnight success fool you. Instead, focus on building a solid foundation of skills, networking, and consistently putting in the work to improve and grow your career.

Your success is a journey, not a destination.

Comparison is a recipe for disappointment.

In the freelancing world, it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap. You might see other freelancers who seem to be more successful, earning more money, or landing bigger clients on Fiverr.

But here’s the thing: comparing yourself to them is a recipe for disappointment.

Photo by Vanesa Giaconi on Unsplash

Instead of worrying about what other people are doing, focus on your own journey. Here’s why:

Everyone’s path is different: Just because someone else is successful in their niche, doesn’t mean that you have to be too. Everyone has a unique path which means your approach to your niche is unique to you.

Comparison equals negative self-talk: When you always compare yourself to others, it’s easy to fall into the realm of negativity. You might start to doubt yourself, feel like a failure, or think that you’re not good enough. None of these things are helpful or productive. You’ll just end up hating yourself.

It’s a waste of time and energy: When you’re constantly focused on what other people are doing, you’re not focusing on your own work a.k.a. you’re wasting time! You know what that leads to? Lack of productivity, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities. I can go on and on.

So, instead of comparing yourself to others, try focusing on your own journey. Start with setting goals that are meaningful to you and celebrate your small wins. The most important thing is that you’re moving forward and making progress on your own terms.

7 tips to set realistic expectations:

  • Learn to say no to projects that are not aligned with your goals
  • Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable ones
  • Allow for flexibility and changes along the way
  • Set deadlines and stick to them like glue
  • Never ever compare yourself to others
  • Keep track of your progress everyday
  • Start small and work your way up

Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was a successful freelance career.

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

As you navigate your freelance journey, keep in mind and heart that success takes time, effort, and a realistic mindset. Setting achievable goals, celebrating small wins, and focusing on your own journey are the keys to building a profitable and rewarding career.

So, take a deep breath, adjust your expectations, and keep moving forward. I know you’ve got this!

If you enjoyed this, you’ll love the 3 tips I live by to make my freelance life enjoyable and productive. It’s a 3-minute read on some stupidly simple things I do that make my life worth loving.

