Top Stories published by The FINTECH Book in 2015

Financial inclusion, the main FinTech revolution

by: Romain Dreyfus

Twitter: @RomainDreyfus

“Payment” is arguably the busiest segment within the exploding FinTech industry.

Why Fintech Banks Will Rule The World

by: Philippe Gelis

Twitter: @pgelis

We are now experimenting with the first wave of fintech, which sees companies competing with banks on specific products, including loans, payments and foreign exchange, among…

Enabling digital banking by open API architecture

by: Frank Schwab

Twitter: @FrankJSchwab

High operating costs, little scope for innovation, too expensive IT projects, functional gaps, low agility, the immature banking IT industry and the…

Emerging Markets: India and the Pyramid of Opportunity in Fintech

By: Maneesh Bhandari

Twitter: @maneeshbhandari

C. K. Prahalad’s oft-cited notion states that there is a fortune to be made at the bottom of the pyramid, a fortune…

The end of Universal bank model?

by: Roberto Ferrari

Twitter: @ferrarirobtweet

Digital disruption is hitting financial services industry.

This is not just about technological changes, it is a profound overhaul of the whole…

The Social Impact of FinTech in Nigeria

by: Daniel Steeves

Twitter: @DanielSteeves

The global village that FinTech enables bring markets and consumers closer, supports new businesses and reduces reliance on the Government in the process. In emerging…

Mumbai-Pune: The Most Sustainable FinTech Hub Yet

By: Maneesh Bhandari

Twitter: @maneeshbhandari

Mumbai, India’s financial capital, houses vital stock exchanges, and is the headquarters of many national and international financial…

Beyond bitcoin: The future of the blockchain

by: Claire Cockerton

Twitter: @clairecockerton

Bitcoin was not the first cryptocurrency. DigiCash, a digital currency that employed cryptographic protocols to anonymise transactions, was launched by…

How Virtual Reality is becoming Actuality in Financial Services

by: Alan Underdown

Twitter: @underdown_alan

I believe we are approaching an inflection point in the story of how we will interact with computers. One of the technologies…

These were the top 10 stories published by The FINTECH Book in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Abstract from the Authors that participated in the world’s first FINTECH Book. Vote for your favorite entry.
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