Beyond bitcoin: The future of the blockchain

by: Claire Cockerton

Twitter: @clairecockerton

Bitcoin was not the first cryptocurrency. DigiCash, a digital currency that employed cryptographic protocols to anonymise transactions, was launched by…

The Social Impact of FinTech in Nigeria

by: Daniel Steeves

Twitter: @DanielSteeves

The global village that FinTech enables bring markets and consumers closer, supports new businesses and reduces reliance on the Government in the process. In emerging…

Fintech: the Not So Little Engine That Can

by: Susan Joseph

Twitter: @susanjoseph1786

Back in 1930 when the financial world was in a precarious state, Platt & Munk wrote those famous words in The Little Engine That Could, “I think I can, I think I…

When innovation and technology are global and rapid, can financial services keep up?

by: Kitty Parry

Twitter: @KittyParry

Did you know a tenth of HSBC’s workforce is in compliance? Or that the average corporate fine…

Why Fintech Banks Will Rule The World

by: Philippe Gelis

Twitter: @pgelis

We are now experimenting with the first wave of fintech, which sees companies competing with banks on specific products, including loans, payments and foreign exchange, among…

The Next Generation Cyber Defense — Distributed, Active Security

by: Russell Stern

Twitter: @stern10g

During the past year, there have been significant gaps in cybersecurity for financial services, evidenced by the many recent…

Abstract from the Authors that participated in the world’s first FINTECH Book. Vote for your favorite entry.
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