Go to The Food issue - Weapons of Reason
The Food issue - Weapons of Reason
Issue five of Weapons of Reason is all about food, glorious food. Weapons of Reason is a publishing project by Human After All design agency in London.
Note from the editor

The fifth issue of Weapons of Reason is all about food, and the extraordinary lengths that we'll go to produce it. We investigate the damage that production and consumption are doing to our bodies and our planet, and the means and methods by which we might instigate change for good.

Go to the profile of Weapons of Reason
Weapons of Reason
A publishing project by @HumanAfterAllStudio to understand & articulate the global challenges shaping our world. Find out more weaponsofreason.com
Go to the profile of James Cartwright
James Cartwright
Freelance writer, editor and art director. Editor of @weaponsofreason. Commission me for words if you like: hello@jamescartwright.co