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The Frontier
The Frontier
Thoughts on humans, computers and the Internet, and what happens next
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How To Change The World

I recently read George Packer’s, Change The World, which is something of an excerpt from his recently published book, The Unwinding, and now I am moved to say something about it.

Unfortunately, you’re probably thinking now that my post could go one of two ways:

Creating Something Big, Alone

I spent the past two weeks on vacation, eating delicious food, relaxing in the sun, and enjoying my favorite band. I also managed to make my way through two books that came highly recommended from colleagues at TheLadders: Delivering Happiness and The Intelligent Entrepreneur.

Make Your Lessons Painful, Join a Bank

A few weeks ago I wrote about my experience in Investment Banking and compared it to my experience at TheLadders. I’ve spent one year in each role, which means I’ve only had one year to test the claims that I am about to put forward, so please help yourselves to…