B3 Podcast — Episode 17: Hash not unto others

Put on your tinfoil hats, because Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and IBM have…

AT&T just stopped selling Note 7s

Now it’s time for all other carriers to quickly move to do what Samsung seemingly won’t (or is unnecessarily dragging their feet with) and also stop selling the Note 7.

4th “safe” Galaxy Note 7 catches on fire

Note 7 is done. Likely damages include Note brand, Galaxy brand, maybe Samsung as a whole (don’t forget the exploding washing machine drama last week)

Fantastical’s iOS 10 update drops

One of my favorite iOS apps gets it’s iOS 10 deliverance.

B3 Podcast — Episode 12: Cocaine for days

Social Media…a tool for sharing information and limitless interactivity coupled with a…

The Gadgeteur
The Gadgeteur
Thoughts on tech, life and other things.
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