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The Grammar Games Genesis

The story behind the story

Lon Shapiro
The Grammar Games
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2016


This started out as a comment in response to the story “I don’t get Medium,” which addresses the whole listicle life-hacking domination of Medium that has frustrated so many of us.

I realized that the wonderful writing collection below served as the inspiration for my own attempts at satire. With that, I tip my hat to the King and Crown Prince of Medium parody and present a tall, thin digital tablet engraved in virtual stone containing their story.

I give you the king and crown prince of Medium-roasted Medium, Henry Wismayer and Morgan Rock Loehr.

Here is some of their incredible work:

Absolute must-read articles on Medium’s “algorithms” which spew self-help effluent to your door every day and how to write more popular posts:

A Cynic’s Guide to Writing the Perfect Medium Post

A Click-Bait Experiment, and the Navel-Gazing Problem that Threatens to Ruin Medium

An in-depth discussion of what Medium is thinking:

Down with The Triumvirate! Petitioning for Clarity on what Medium Wants to Be

Thinking Inside The Bubble

Spit-take parodies on life-hacking posts that will make you laugh so hard you will forget you’re mad about the crap in your email box:

A Tongue-in-cheek Medium Lifehack Review

10 Amazing Quotes That Will Explode Your Mind And Guide Your Life To Absolute Betterment. Achieve Maximum Human Potentialness By Reading Through This List Of Quotes That I Found In The Most Popular Quotes Section Of Quotes.Com. Consume Them All As Gospel. NO CONTEXT REQUIRED. Apply The Gist Of Each One To Every Aspect Of Your Life And Watch Your Emotional Revenue Flow Explode Out Of The Roof. Like Dr. Seuss Says, “Sometimes The Questions Are Complicated And The Answers Are Simple.” BAM. Lines From A Children’s Book Applied To Everyday Adult Situations. Isn’t That Just Ockham’s Razor You Might Be Asking Yourself? I Don’t Know. HAHA. Stop Asking Stupid Questions And Start Reading More Quotes I Found To Solve Problems You Didn’t Know You Had. KITTENS! Did I Mention You Will Also Grow 3 Inches? Boy, These Quotes Are Going To Game Change Your Life. Don’t Believe Me? Then Ask The Men And Women Who Originally Quoted Them. Oh, Wait, You Can’t Because They Are All Living On Private Islands With Exactly One Million Dollars Each. And So Can You. Read Each One Carefully. Trust Me, I’m Not Just Luring You To This Page To Shamelessly Promote Myself And My Freelance Services.

Get 500,001 Stats On Medium In 29 Days!

How To Success Your Success Into Succeeding Successfully

The amazing conversation between Henry W and Jon W.

First, Jon’s response to being parodied. (He has since deleted the story).

Then Henry’s incredible response:

Open Letter to Jon Westenberg, and Other Self-Help Blowhards

Jon’s sincere attempt to reform the system (also deleted)

Henry’s sort-of peace offering:

I Accept Your Surrender

Finally here is the humble collective effort of lesser known writers who have parodied the parody, and turned squabbling writers into a fantasy conflict of epic proportions. We, the cynics, humorists, absurdists, anarchists, and other assorted deviants, proudly present:



Lon Shapiro
The Grammar Games

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time