Does Walking Boost Your Creativity?

Joydeep Biswas
The Growth Collective
2 min readMay 10, 2023
Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash

I walk every day.

I go to the terrace of our apartment building and walk for 30–40 minutes in the afternoon.

I love walking because it helps me clear my head, is a great exercise, and I can wear the trousers that I hadn’t worn in 1 year.

I could not believe myself when I tried on those trousers and they fit so well.

But there is another reason why I was so hellbent to incorporate the habit of walking in my daily routine. A more important reason than trying to get inside my old trousers.

Many writers I follow on Medium and on Twitter say that walking helps you generate ideas. So, I decided to try.

I tried it and I was generating ideas.


Does walking actually help you write better? Does it make you more creative?

Was it the walking that helped?

Or was I already good at generating ideas, and walking had but a little effect on it?

While researching on google I found an experiment done by Marily Oppezzo and Daniel L. Schwartz of Stanford University.

The results of the experiment said that walking — indoors on a treadmill or outdoors at a bustling university — substantially enhanced creativity.

Participants of the research were more creative walking than sitting. Also, all participants who walked outside generated at least one novel high-quality analogy compared with 50% of those seated inside.


Yes, walking works.

It makes you more creative and helps generate new and novel ideas. So, when there is a need to generate new ideas, you must incorporate walks in your everyday life.

Therefore, walking is an easy-to-implement strategy to increase appropriate novel idea generation, in addition to providing health benefits.

Thank you,
Joydeep Biswas



Joydeep Biswas
The Growth Collective

I walk, think, and write. || Short stories and writing tips.