by Arabelle Sicardi
[a. OF. resolucion, -tion (14th c.; mod.F. résolution, = Sp. resolucion, It. re-, risoluzione), or ad. L. resolūtiōn-em, n. of action f. resolvĕre to resolve.]
I. †1. a. = dissolution 8. Obs. rare.
by Alexandria Symonds
The moment of anticipation just before a balloon animal takes shape
Clones discovering one another for the first time
by Durga Chew-Bose
It is a rare privilege to observe the rise of a new language.
*smug smile emoji* *airhorn emoji* *pizza emoji* *happy blushing emoji*
There are approximately seven billion inhabitants of earth. They conduct their lives in one or several of about seven thousand languages — multilingualism is a global norm. Linguists acknowledge that the data are inexact, but by the end of this century perhaps as many as fifty per cent of the…
Do you know what is the most garbage word in the English language? Harmless.
Think about it. Or, rather, let me direct your thoughts about the word: You (me) are at a nice party with some people you love, some people you like, some people you don’t know, and…
For someone who works as a writer, I really hate a lot of words!! I mean, I guess you could argue that it is precisely my intense love for words that is the root of my hatred; I care about words so much that I can’t be ambivalent towards them, maybe? No…