Episode 4 | Deutsch Mentor 🤖: Learn German with AI

Gianmarco Ebeling
The Indie Maker
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2023

Marketing sprint ✨ — Bing Indexing, Confetti Page, Brevo Email Launch, and Growing Community

Hey everyone!

In this episode 4 update, we’ll analyze the latest marketing sprint for Deutsch Mentor, my first SaaS product!

This is more than just a progress report. It’s a real-time case study in reaching €10,000 monthly recurring revenue target.
With this journey, I want to create a blueprint for anyone striving for startup success.
Interested in the other episodes? You can find them here:
episode 1, episode 2, episode 3.

Let’s dive in! 🚀

Bing Indexing

Deutsch Mentor is now indexed on Bing!
Although Google still dominates the online search market, Bing is increasing its popularity.
It is important to have a presence in every search engine.
Being indexed by Bing makes it easier for potential learners to find the platform when they’re searching for German learning resources.

Home — Bing Webmaster Tools

Confetti and Thank You Page for New Premium Users

Thanks to some great feedback, I improved the subscription process.
Unfortunately, during an update, I introduced a bug in my platform that was not enabling the upgrade of users when buying the pro version.
Kindly, Nick made known it and also provided me with great feedback for improving the whole process.

Now, when you become a premium user, you are redirected to a festive thank you page, and confetti pops up, making it an enjoyable experience.

First Marketing Email via Brevo

During this sprint, I finally set up a Brevo account.
Brevo is a digital marketing platform offering services like email marketing, CRM, and transactional email services.
After sending out the first email campaign, this was the result:

The open rate was 53.85% with a total of 46 opens, indicating a good initial interest. The click-through rate was 19.05%, with 8.70% of recipients clicking on links. I experienced a 4.35% unsubscribe rate.
Overall I am happy with this first attempt, but I would like to improve the click rate, bringing more users to the platform.


SEO-Optimized Blog Launch

Trying to get more visits through organic search, I launched a new blog, optimized for search engines, to further reach and engage with the audience.
The setup was extremely easy and fast.
I used Content Layer and the Tailwind CSS Typography Plugin, a great combination to create visually appealing and SEO-friendly blog posts.

The Tailwind CSS Typography Plugin allows you to add modern design to the content generated in markdown, meanwhile, Content Layer streamlined the process of organizing and managing the blog’s content, ensuring it was both accessible and optimized for search engines.
My goal is to use this blog to attract more visitors and potential users.
Let’s see how it goes!

User Growth

Finally, for the stats lovers, here’s the current user count.
I am so happy about this growth!
In the previous marketing sprint, I successfully grew the user base from 7 to 17, a significant leap in itself.
But now, hold onto your hats, because we’ve skyrocketed to…
81 total users!!
🎉 +376.47% !! 🎊
This is a great result and now I am looking forward to achieving the 100 users milestone!


This entrepreneurial journey with Deutsch Mentor is filled with excitement and learning at every turn.
Keep following me and The Indie Maker for more updates.

If you’re on the path to learning German, or know someone who is, explore Deutsch Mentor and be a part of our expanding community.

Until next time! 🚀



Gianmarco Ebeling
The Indie Maker

Founder of Deutsch Mentor. Indie Maker. Building a portfolio of SaaS to achieve financial freedom. Just ship it!