TIS Weekly (#125): A Final Look At 3D-Print

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readOct 30, 2017

[October 30th, 2017]

Unbelievable! Nearly 2200 videos in our archives! Time to clean up: we’ve separated the themes Robots & AI and VR & AR in four different themes and are replacing all dead links on our website. Let us know if you have more suggestions to help you find the best videos on innovation :). For this newsletter, let’s take a final look at some of our latest videos on 3D-printing, because we’re moving on to a new theme in November.

Theme | 3D-PRINT
Printable solar panels

In the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium, a team of 50 Australian scientists have developed paper-thin, printable solar panels. The difference between existing solar panels and this technology is that the organic cells offer the potential to allow printing directly onto materials such as roofing and windows, and therefore open intriguing building integrated design opportunities.

Theme | 3D-PRINT
Order coffee and 3D-prints

Time To 3D is the first cafe in Mumbai, India that allows everyone from students to designers to come and gain experience with 3D-printing technology. It was founded by Rahul Shah, because he thinks 3D-printing is the future and everybody should be allowed to play with it a little. You can scan an object (or person) and print a replica, you can print a downloaded file from the Internet or make a design yourself.

Theme | 3D-PRINT
3D-printed aircrafts

Aurora Flight Sciences, a manufacturer of drones, has teamed up with Stratasys, the global leader in 3D-printing and additive solutions. Together they have made the world’s first jet-powered 3D-printed aircraft. 80 Percent of the lightweight aircraft is 3D-printed and it can fly at speeds from over 240 kilometers an hour!

Theme | SPORTS
Sports fans love tech

As a sports and tech enthusiast, I love when the two worlds meet. Here are 5 game-ball deliveries made possible with tech! Excellent ways to kick off an exciting match of: soccer, American football, rugby and baseball.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

