TIS Weekly (#72): Designing Impact

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
2 min readOct 24, 2016

[October 23rd, 2016]

This issue reports on impact. Not the latest gadgets and nice-to-haves. Not the cool concepts still in the minds of the creator. No, this Sunday we will focus on mindblowing inventions that are changing the industry, making life better for all of us! And for chicks.. (check out the second video)!

Theme | FOOD
Anti-desertification plant cocoon

Here’s the Growboxx, a biodegradable plant cocoon which first helps the plant (or tree) to grow and after a year it will slowly disappear. The ecological water-saving technology enables planting trees in rocky or desert regions. Ideal for areas with water shortages and dry land.

Theme | FOOD
Chick-friendly breeding

Did you know that each year a whopping 3.2 billion roosters get killed on their first day? Yes. They only need the hens for eggs. However, In Ovo has developed a revolutionary technique to determine the sex of an egg! Great step forward!

Theme | DESIGN
Architecture on a mission

Relying on natural phenomena such as gravity, condensation and evaporation, Warka Water is able to harvest potable water from the atmosphere. Owned and operated by locals, the Warka Water tower creates a social place for the community as well. Fact: daily water collection is 50 to 100 liters!

TIS Special: Fashion & Innovation

Last month we featured an amazing Fashion month on our website. We’ve covered a wide array of topics: Open Source, Connected, Functional, Sustainable, Enhanced and Personalized apparel. A really cool summary of the videos can be seen in this video, but we do suggest you to also visit: www.TIS.tv/Fashion.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

