TIS Weekly (#99): The Road To Artificial Intelligence

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readMay 1, 2017

[April 30th, 2017]

This last week was dominated by the color orange. Why orange? Type ‘kingsday’ into the big Google machine and you’ll find out soon enough. Crazy Dutch. Love it. Coming back to this month’s theme Robots & AI, one wonders whether robots would ever be build for celebrations. More often than not, robots are all about efficiency. Hmm.. what would an efficient party robot look like? Gives the most amazing party in under 60 minutes? Then kicks everybody out. And cleans up afterwards?

Theme | ROBOTS & AI
AI and freaky babies

Mark Sagar spends most of his time trying to create lifelike human features on screen by combining computer graphics with mathematics and human physiology. He has also worked on blockbusters such as Avatar, King Kong and Spiderman 2. Here he shows us his latest work in mapping human consciousness.

Theme | ROBOTS & AI
AI and clinical trials

Deep 6 AI applies artificial intelligence and natural language processing to medical records to find patients for clinical trials much faster than current methods. This speeds up medical research and gives patients better access to live-saving treatments.

Theme | ROBOTS & AI
AI and mirrors

By using mirrors, Luc Steels (Neurorobotics Research Laboratory) lets robots learn how to move their own bodies. Maybe a step these robots skipped? According to Luc, true artificial intelligence can only be achieved if machines develop like young children do, including developing their own language.

5 top Robots & AI videos

Our Robots & AI archive has grown to 130+ videos! Quite cool to have a vast collection of world-wide examples of how robots can help us become more efficient, can teach each other and help us in our daily lives. There are many videos that have amazed us, including several artificial intelligence videos. Here’s our top 5 pick from the best and most breathtaking videos on Robots & AI.

Expert Selection | Blockchain
Lykle de Vries

Loved what we did with the video version of the TIS Picks? Then check out our newest video series for the Expert Selection. Here is our first video with Blockchain Expert Lykle de Vries and his selection ‘Not All Blockchain Is Bitcoin’.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

