The NeuroFlow: Issue #1

The NeuroMix
3 min readApr 30, 2023


Hello, NeuroMixers! Welcome to the latest edition of the NeuroFlow!

Today, we want to remind our neurodiverse readers that just like a superhero, you have a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Batman has his gadgets, Superman has his powers, and you have your own unique set of skills!

But before you can fly off into the sunset, it’s important to identify those strengths and weaknesses so you can make the most out of them. And that’s why we’re bringing you today’s tip of the day!

Take a moment to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a neurodiverse person.

Write them down, embrace them, and use them to your advantage. You may just be surprised at how much further you can go when you truly know yourself.

Once you know what you’re working with, you’ll be unstoppable! After all, Batman has never gone into a fight without knowing how to use one of his gadgets, has he?

Anyway, get ready to explore the minds of our diverse writers with this week’s top three articles:

Five examples of how ADHD can mess with your life

This article provides a firsthand account of the ways in which ADHD can have a significant impact on a person’s life.

From impulsivity and social isolation to hyperactivity and difficulty with organization, the writer of this educational piece sheds light on the challenges of living with this often-misunderstood condition.

Through sharing their experiences, he hopes to raise awareness and promote understanding of ADHD as a real and complex neurological disorder.

Click here to read.

ADHD, Impostor Syndrome, and the Fear of Failure

This article discusses the challenges of Imposter Syndrome and the Fear of Failure that are common in individuals with ADHD.

Despite their accomplishments, individuals with ADHD may feel like they do not belong and are not qualified for the work they are doing, leading to constant self-doubt and fear of exposure as a fraud. These feelings can be debilitating and significantly impact one's productivity.

In this strikingly revealing piece, the writer shares their personal experience with ADHD and the strategies they have used to overcome self-doubt, including accepting their struggles as part of themselves and focusing on doing their best.

Click here to read.

The Royal Cult Of Personality

Photo by David Williams on Unsplash

In the midst of preparations for the coronation of King Charles III, some are questioning the cult of personality that surrounds the British monarchy.

While the upcoming ceremony is expected to showcase the grandeur and power of the monarchy, there are concerns from some about the adoration and unwavering loyalty the public is expected to have towards the royal family.

This opinion piece takes a closer look at the potential dangers of blind allegiance to those in power, and how the supposed “Royal Cult of Personality” resembles other cults of personalities around the world.

Click here to read.



The NeuroMix

Newbie Freelance Journalist/writer looking to make a splash!