Top Stories published by The new control plane in August of 2018

Connecting IdentityServer 4 (IDP) and the ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for .NET Core stack

For this post, I am using the ComponentSpace ExampleServiceProvider as the SP and idsrv4 with the ComponentSpace NuGet package as the IDP.

Connecting Auth0 (IDP) and the ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for .NET Core stack

I did a series of posts with the .NET version of ComponentSpace and Auth0.

ComponentSpace also have a .NET Core version of the stack

SAML stacks — the next step — the “Connecting” series

I wrote a post on SAML stacks in order to help people who were stuck with how to implement one of these. It’s a very common question over on stackoverflow.

The new control plane
“Identity is the new control plane”. Articles around Microsoft Identity, Auth0 and identityserver. Click the “Archive” link at the bottom for more posts.
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