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As the 2016–2017 Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy, industry veteran Catherine Wallace explored the future of journalism at a time the number of journalists in Canada was in sharp decline.
Note from the editor

Catherine Wallace has nearly 40 years of experience as a journalist. She was formerly the managing editor of the Montreal Gazette, the deputy national editor at the Globe and Mail’s Toronto edition and a Southam Fellow at the University of Toronto. She’s currently the assistant managing editor of news at the Toronto Star. As the 2016–2017 Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy, Catherine explored the future of journalism at a time the number of journalists in Canada was in sharp decline. She went beyond examining new business models, instead focusing on the new news ecosystem, asking: What role can the community can play in helping fill the gap in information and storytelling? From universities to museums to everyday citizens, Wallace reported on new kinds of collaborations that are helping make sense of data, inform the public and hold governments accountable. The Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy awards a seasoned Canadian journalist with the opportunity to pursue a year long investigation into a current policy issue. This award is a collaboration of the Atkinson Foundation, the Honderich family and the Toronto Star.