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The Next Newsroom Project
The Next Newsroom Project
The future is worse than we thought.
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My first video game using Stencyl

I’m trying to learn how to create video games using a tool called Stencyl. This is the game you make from the first tutorial. To play, click on the game first. Then use the space bar to jump, and the left and right arrow keys to move. Not fancy, but it’s certainly easy to grasp the basics.

Natal, AI and a new form of interactive storytelling

In a few months, Microsoft will begin selling its Kinect for Xbox 360. The technology is based on the company’s Project Natal technology that allows users to interact with video games without use of a controller or a wand.

USA Today blows up the newsroom again

This past week we learned that USA Today was launching a major rethinking of its newsroom structure. The Associated Press reported:

“USA Today, the nation’s second largest newspaper, is making the most dramatic overhaul of its staff in…

TED Talks: David McCandless explains the beauty of data visualization

Found via the FlowingData blog, which says:

“Connoisseur of scaled rounded rectangles, bubbles, and triangles, David McCandless of Information is Beautiful talks data visualization in…