New TRON SR Rewards Distribution

We are changing rewards given to TRON SR voters

The Notice Board
2 min readJan 8, 2019


It has been three months since BitGuild first became a TRON Super Representative, thanks to the incredible support from our community who has voted to put us in one of the 27 coveted spots. Bearing this title has allowed us to strengthen our partnership with the TRON network and further our work to bring blockchain gaming and entertainment to the masses.

And, of course, we continue passing on the rewards to those who have supported this endeavor. Since BitGuild became an SR, we have been giving 115% of block production rewards and candidate rewards to our voters. We made this decision not just as a thank you for your confidence in us, but as a way to encourage the TRON community to give BitGuild a chance and find out what we are all about.

Now, we are shifting our focus. Our main objective has always been to create the best products and the best experiences for crypto gaming enthusiasts. In pursuit of that goal, we launched Bitizens, GuildChat, and GuildWallet. And we have a lot more waiting in the pipeline, including dApps and other solutions for the TRON network, as well as continuing to improve on our existing products.

To that end, we are changing our reward distribution for TRON Super Representative voters from 115% to 100% starting 1/10 at 00:00 GMT+8. Now that we’ve introduced ourselves to the TRON community, we want to use some of these funds to bring our exciting new projects to fruition. The distribution process will remain the same, with rewards to voters based on the percentage of their votes cast for BitGuild compared to the total number of votes cast for BitGuild.

We are incredibly grateful for the support we received in 2018 and we cannot wait to show you what we’re working on this year. We hope you’ll keep voting for us as TRON SR and enjoying your TRX rewards. If you haven’t yet voted (or want to do so again), follow this handy guide and click here to vote for BitGuild!

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between the official BitGuild portal, our discovery platform for great crypto games, and GuildChat, our decentralized wallet mobile app with an integrated social suite, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

Join the community on Twitter, GuildChat, Discord, and Facebook.

