State of the Guild #2: PLAT on Exchange, New CTO, New Multi-Chain Wallet, and More

A lot has happened since the last time we spoke — let’s catch up.

The Notice Board
3 min readNov 2, 2018


Welcome to the 2nd State of the Guild post. Every other week, we’ll be bringing you updates on what’s going on in the BitGuild realm — keeping you informed about our latest news, releases, updates, and more!

“PLAT is liquid now?”

That’s right! The moment many of you have been waiting for is here. We’re happy to let you all know that PLAT is now fully tradeable on LAToken. This is an important step for BitGuild and PLAT. If you’re interested in some of the reasoning behind this, you can check out Jared Psigoda’s (BitGuild CEO) thoughts on the matter right here.

“Are there any new games?”

You bet! We’ve recently unveiled CryptoDungeons, a brand new blockchain RPG experience, available exclusively on In it, you’ll see yourself recruiting a party of various Hero characters, and sending them on quests in the hopes of earning XP, loot, and crafting components. The game features a very robust player-driven crafting system, ensuring a vibrant item trading economy in CryptoDungeons.

You can learn more about the team behind the game by checking out our Developer Spotlight interview.

And while this next bit isn’t a new game per se, we did host a nifty Halloween mask giveaway within the Bitizens Fishing Mini-Game experience. Users who participated were gifted one of five spooky masks, for free! The event is over now, but stay tuned for more in the future.

“Who’s the new guy!?”

That would be Roy, a.k.a “Rovak” to some. He’s an all-star blockchain developer, with many years of software engineering experience in multiple areas and coding languages. He’s single-handedly brought and to life, and now he’s ready to take on new challenges as the Chief Technology Officer of BitGuild.

His first project with us is known as GuildWallet, a new browser extension offering wallet functionality for all major blockchains. No longer will you need to fiddle around with both MetaMask and Treasure just to manage your ERC and TRX tokens — GuildChat covers them both, and more!

Find out more about Roy van Kaathoven in this introduction post.

“What about GuildChat?”

GuildChat will be receiving several updates early next week, mostly focused on quality-of-life improvements to the app itself. We’re adding support for TRX20 tokens, voting for TRON Super Representatives from directly within the app, and will update groups with new moderation tools and a higher user limit (up to 2,000 people per group!).

These are just a few of the changes we’re making with GuildChat — we encourage you to go check it out for yourself! You can find the app for both iOS & Android on

“That’s a lot of stuff! Any more?”

Lastly, on October 24th, the TRON Foundation hosted a dApps developer meetup in San Francisco, where several TRON compatible projects were presented, GuildChat among them. The GuildChat demo was a huge hit among attendees, its intuitive approach to managing and handling cryptocurrencies stealing the show a little bit. It makes us so happy to see people using GuildChat in the wild, and we hope it’ll soon become a standard for any crypto user.

That’s all we got for you this time folks! Please check back here in two weeks for the third issue of State of the Guild. See you then!

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between the official BitGuild portal, our discovery platform for great crypto games, and GuildChat, our decentralized wallet mobile app with an integrated social suite, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

Join the community on Twitter, Discord, and Facebook.

