Top Stories published by The Ocean in 2017

0x, The Ocean, and the High Performance Funnel

The 0x Project is building a protocol for decentralized exchange of ERC20 tokens. They’ve got a ton of community support, launched their own ZRX token with great success, and now companies like ours, The Ocean, are building liquidity pools and…

Want to Test Drive Automated Trading on The Ocean?

The Ocean is designed to have a high performance backend and powerful API, perfect for integrations with products, services, hedge funds, and algorithmic trading systems.

Updated Pre-Release API for The Ocean

We’ve just released Version 0.2 of The Ocean API.

Please take a look and give us your feedback. We’re getting closer to launching a public beta on testnet and we want to make sure we’re meeting the needs of most of our partners and…

The Ocean
The Ocean is a high performance 0x-based Ethereum ERC20 token trading platform. |
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