Australian Better Families


This party has really taken me on a roller-coaster ride of discovery, and honestly I don’t think there’s a more apt analogy for the ABF than this clip.

When I saw the party name “Australian Better Families”, I immediately assumed it was going to be based around some homophobic bullshit around ‘traditional’ families and the associated right-wing shrieking.

But then I started to look at their policies, and at a passing glance it seemed fairly reasonable. Vague, with no detail, some of which that was surprisingly fairly left wing, but no immediate red flags.

But oh dear god should I have trusted my instincts, because it all fell apart real quick when I saw this policy:

Oh no

So I did some more digging, and soon discovered that their founder, Leith Erikson, is a prominent MRA. Who helped create One Nation’s domestic violence policy. Which was formed around a statistic that even the Daily Telegraph debunked.

And when even the Tele is telling you that you’re wrong on your right-leaning policies, that’s trash enough for me.


Look, if all their policy was alt-right meninist garbage, this party would be a dumpsterfire without a doubt. And whilst their policy page is incredibly vague, most of their suggestions around family law and child support reform is based around the false assumption than men are unfairly treated by the courts and society, which just… just no. Like sure, male suicide is a major problem, and yeah, there’s more that can be done to solve it, BUT you really shouldn’t base your reason for solving it around a lie.

However, they do still have a pretty significant middle level to their pie, given that they want zero plastic waste, more renewables, and to decriminalise drug use, which is really out of place to be honest.

Even if this party wasn’t run by an MRA it would be confusing as hell so I don’t know what to think anymore. But technically, they’ve taken enough stuff from the left to be kind-of centre, which makes me feel real icky.

Vote for them if

You’re an MRA but have some really random left-wing beliefs.

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