Australian Christians


These guys are pretty much the stereotypical super conservative Christian political party. Given that they formed when they split from Fred Nile’s Christian Democratic Party, and then stole all the same policy word for word, which really is plagiarism at its best, this should not be a surprise.

But even without the very direct link to another trash conservative party, the Victorian branch of Australian Christians folded into Cory Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives, and that really tells you everything you need to know about them.


I want you to imagine what you think this party’s policy is. Got it? Good. Well, it’s worse than that.

They’re still salty about same-sex marriage being legalised. Their Indigenous affairs policy is borderline racist and at times often sounds like they want to repeat what happened in the Stolen Generation. They also want to ban chimeras.

What the hell Australian Christians, this thing looks fucking sick don’t ban it please

No, not those chimeras, THESE chimeras:

But when your energy policy is partly based on “one keen blogger’s observations”, something has clearly gone very very wrong.

Vote for them if

You’re a very very particular brand of Christian in Australia

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