Liberal Democratic Party


This party is neither left or right, but do have a very strong set of convictions based on libertarianism, which basically means they’re all about that freedom.

But what that means in the real world is that their one senator, David Leyonhjelm, is a bit of a dickhead. And if you don’t believe me, I’ll just remind you about that time he supported Wicked camper vans.

Oh, so it’s not so great when things get turned back on you, right, I’ll keep that in mind.

However, they’ve been flying under the radar recently and have somehow managed to avoid any major scandals, so unfortunately I have to just label them trash. I don’t think that will last long though.


It’s just aggressively libertarian. Which look, I can appreciate them having a strong ideological view and being consistent with it, but damn are some of their policies just whack.

On the one hand, they want to loosen restrictions on firearms, privatise public schooling, and a reduction in the amount of power the government has in protecting the environment. On the other hand, they want to legalise cannabis and don’t think the government should be involved in people’s private lives.

But honestly, the whack really outweighs the sensible so I’d probably steer clear.

Vote for them if

You’re a bit of a hypocrite.

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