Reason Australia


If you haven’t heard of this party before, I don’t blame you. However, you will likely know them from their previous name.

Not to be confused with Bachelor in Paradise Australia

Yes, the Australian Sex Party changed their name, losing them the meme vote but probably gaining them some legitimacy. However, their stance and policy has remained relatively unchanged, so if you voted for them based on that (but ask yourself, did you really?), you need not worry.

But beyond changing name and growing into being a real political party (they even have a seat in Victorian parliament), the party hasn’t done anything too noteworthy, let alone something noteworthingly trashy, so they’re tolerable in my books.


You may be wondering why the progressive Australian Sex Party has been labelled centre(?)-left after the re-brand. Well, that’s because that’s what the party labels themselves as “relatively centrist”, but to be honest, they’re still much more progressive than any of the other parties that actually take up the centre of the political spectrum.

If you want to make up your mind for yourself over the parties lefty-ness, check out their policy, which does include things like drug reform, sex work decriminalisation, and greater arts funding, which are things you don’t hear a lot of support from the centre or anything further right.

Vote for them if

You’re embarrassed about sex.

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