Rise Up Australia Party


Just when I thought we’d run out of levels of crazy for Australian politics to reach, this party somehow manages to be even more batshit insane.

If you don’t believe me, their leader, Danny Nalliah, has claimed to resurrect people from the dead and linked the Black Saturday bushfires to Victoria’s decriminalisation of abortion. Also, the party launch was something straight out of a cult documentary.

Striped shirt AND a funky tie? That’s enough to tell you that this guy is insane

But the real red flag is that the party was one of the first in Australia to have their Facebook page banned for hate speech, and honestly any party that can’t even pass Facebook’s lax standards should not get your vote.


Just very typical far-right fuckery, and as such, I won’t link to it. Like if you want to go looking for anti-abortion, anti-Islam, and anti-multiculturalism position statements, you can go for it, but all it’s going to do is make you cry over the fact that this is a registered political party in Australia.

The only part of their platform that I got some mild enjoyment out of was their massive policy statement on communism, where they talk about the Australian Communist Party, which isn’t registered for elections anywhere and is incredibly small. So you know, having to stretch the truth on policy is a really great look for anyone and definitely means this party isn’t a flaming piece of trash, right?

Vote for them if

You’re constantly lying through your teeth.

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