Go to The Open Kimono
The Open Kimono
A safe place to spill your guts, expose your vulnerable side, let it all hang out
Note from the editor

Why would we be afraid to describe accurately what happened in the past instead of our doctored versions of it? Are we afraid of being shunned, ghosted, unfollowed, trolled? Radical freedom is about shifting away from this to a freedom from fear of judgment. Those of us of a certain age are losing our fear of the naked truth. Tell it here.

Go to the profile of Adelia Ritchie, PhD
Adelia Ritchie, PhD
Author of "The Accidental Expat: A Costa Rican Adventure", science lover, contributing editor at SalishMagazine.org, expat, seeking the interesting and unusual
Go to the profile of Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee
I have worked as an editor and magazine journalist. My main interests were psychology and humor.
Go to the profile of Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee
I have worked as an editor and magazine journalist. My main interests were psychology and humor.