Go to The Platform Worker
The Platform Worker
Issue one explores the world of Online Labour Platforms, what they are, what it’s like to make a living on a platform, and what the social and political implications are surrounding their growth.
Note from the editor

Issue one explores the world of Online Labour Platforms, what they are, what it’s like to make a living on a platform, and what the social and political implications are surrounding their growth.

Go to the profile of The Invisible Worker
The Invisible Worker
A zine exploring work and the internet in contemporary capitalism
Go to the profile of Mark Graham
Mark Graham
Director of Research @ Oxford Internet Institute. Interests: Internet & Economic Geography, Big Data, Development, ICT4D, Urban Studies, Digital Divide, Zombies
Go to the profile of Six Silberman
Six Silberman
Member of team @turkopticon. Trade unionist @igmetall.