Top Stories published by The Plenary in 2017


As a two time PLEN attendee, I can say that no matter which seminar you go to or at what point in your career (or pre-career) you attend, you will meet amazing women. These women will be dominating their fields and taking no nonsense. They will be working tirelessly to climb the ladder…

I am Intelligent, Successful, and Driven

For the past four years my professor has been encouraging me to attend a PLEN seminar. So many Wesleyannes go to the seminars offered throughout the year, but I simply couldn’t afford it. Finally, my senior year, I received the PLEN scholarship and it made…

How to Apply for a PLEN Scholarship

Attending a PLEN seminar can be a life-changing experience, but Washington DC is also an expensive city, and budgets are tight in college. Because of this, PLEN offers scholarships for each of the six seminars offered. PLEN scholarships normally cover registration…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Plenary in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

The Plenary
An online community blog for PLEN alumnae and supporters to mentor, collaborate, and share essential professional and life lessons they've learned during and after their PLEN seminars.
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