Top Stories published by The Plenary in July of 2018

The Power of Networking

I met Mallory Ladd at the 2017 Women in Global Policy seminar. She and her two colleagues, fellow Ph.D. candidates from the University of Tennessee, successfully employed crowd-funding to finance their attendance at the seminar. Full disclosure: I made a contribution to their effort…

How the Women in Global Policy Seminar Empowered Me

I recently had the opportunity to attend Women in Global Policy PLEN seminar. I am currently attending Tulane University and was able to learn about PLEN through the efforts of the Newcomb College Institute (NCI), which has its roots in…

Roots to Route with PLEN and WGR

Not only does PLEN hold its own seminars, lectures, and events but they also collaborate with other organizations in the D.C. area to offer their members and students incredible opportunities.Recently, PLEN paired up with WGR, an organization that is dedicated to helping…

The Impact of PLEN

Although I have been interning at PLEN for only a couple of weeks, I have seen the amazing benefits of working with such a transformational organization. Two very important things I got to experience through these weeks was learning the inner-workings of a nonprofit and ways to network better…

The Plenary
An online community blog for PLEN alumnae and supporters to mentor, collaborate, and share essential professional and life lessons they've learned during and after their PLEN seminars.
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