Sharing and downloading data- admin and user perspective

The Pointscene Diaries
The Pointscene Diaries
3 min readOct 20, 2017

The major idea behind Pointscene is to make point cloud data available to the wider audience. To achieve this goal, the platform has multiple options that make sharing and viewing data sets easier. In this article, I intend to present how to benefit from using Pointscene as an owner and user of the data.

When you create a new scene, you automatically become its owner and have a full control over the data you loaded. You can choose who will be able to view your point cloud and whether it can be forwarded to others. By choosing appropriate settings (more information on scene settings here) you allow or forbid downloading original data blocks and fragments of the point cloud. Below there is a brief explanation:

  • When you set access option to Anyone with the link you can send others share link to view the scene. Just type email addresses in the appropriate window.
  • Use Invitation only mode to grant other users access to your scene. Invited people won’t be able to distribute the scene further through the share link.
  • If you want to enable downloading of original scanning blocks, go to Advanced Settings and choose a suitable option.
  • To enable exporting selected fragments of the point cloud, mark proper box in Settings section.
  • Use Embed code to display your scene on another website.
  • With recently added functionality you can make other users admins of your scene.

As the Pointscene user, you can use public scenes and the scenes that you’ve been invited to or you’ve received share link. Depending on scene settings chosen by the admin and your access right, your sharing and download options will vary. You can find more detailed explanation below.

  • When you’ve been granted Anyone with the link access right to the scene, you‘ll get the share link which you can forward to others.
  • Similarly, to distribute further public scenes displayed in Pointscene gallery, send the share link to chosen email addresses.
  • If you want to present the scene on a website, use the Embed code.
  • To download original scanning blocks click Go to downloads button. You’ll be moved to download page. There you can check the extent of the data on top of a base map and choose individual block files to export. Note: Export is available only if the scene owner allowed it.
  • To export selected fragment of the point cloud use tools from Section toolbar (more information here). Note: Export is available only if the scene owner allowed it

Hope that you’ll find the information in this post useful. If you want to know how to start using Pointscene, be sure to check previous texts here and here.

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Want to know how to include point clouds in your projects? Visit to explore many examples in gallery or start free trial and upload your own data within minutes.

