2016, Year Of…

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q
2 min readDec 31, 2016
Just look at its ugly face
  • …The Monkey
  • …The Underdog
  • …Are You Fucking Serious?
  • …Well This Is Shit
  • …Why Would You Elect That One?
  • …For Fuck’s Sake, Would You Stop Bombing Innocent Civilians?
  • …I Can’t Wait Until Next Year
  • …Wait, How Many Pacific Nations Are Going To Go Under Water If We Don’t Reign In Emissions?
  • …Which Famous Celebrity Died Today?
  • …Could Extremists Just Fuck Off — Honestly, You’re Ruining It For The Rest Of Us
  • …Goodbye UK, Hope You Have Fun On Your Own
  • …An Expensive Olympics, In A Country Where Money Could Have Been Better Spent On Improving The Livelihood Of The People Living In It
  • …Another Malaysian Airlines Flight?
  • …For Fuck’s Sake North Korea, Nuclear Weapons Were Like So 1950's
  • …Despite Seeing The Martian, Everyone Really Wants To Go To Mars
  • …Man I Can’t Wait Until We Roll Onto The Next Arbitrary Construct Of The ‘Year’
  • …Just Get Me Out Of Here
  • …At Least DiCaprio Got His Oscar
  • …Oh Well, I’m Still Alive, So Surely That Counts For Something

In any case, I hope you all have a cracker next year, and a huge end to this one. I’m talking like starting from as soon as you wake up until the early hours of New Year’s Day. It’s going to be magical. Never give up, never surrender.


Matt “Who The Fuck This Is Bloke” Querzoli

Matt Querzoli was inspired to write this for obvious reasons. He wishes everyone a cracker. Except for dickheads. Follow his writing blog, his letters to strangers blog or his blog blog if you liked the post, or even the bloke himself if this tickled your proverbial pickle.

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